Our vision
The Greater Cambridge Partnership aims to accelerate housing delivery and homes for all.
The availability and affordability of a mix of housing are vital to economic growth.
Across the UK, the demand for housing is not being met year on year. This is leading to an ever-increasing gap between house prices and average salaries across the UK.
Project Summary
The Local Plans for Cambridge and South Cambridgeshire form the framework for development and growth in the area. This includes setting out where these new homes can be built.
The Greater Cambridge Partnership will work to address this local shortfall, accelerating the delivery of homes for all, by:
Delivering the vital infrastructure necessary to support new housing and employment sites identified in the Local Plans, thereby promoting strong and healthy communities with better, greener transport connections to places of work, services, study and leisure
Bringing forward an additional 1,000 affordable homes on rural exception sites
Why is it so important
Ensuring future growth and quality of life
To ensure future growth and quality of life in Greater Cambridge, we need homes people can afford in sustainable communities. Currently, there is a shortage of available and affordable housing within a reasonable distance of where people work, which has led to a dramatic increase in house prices. This, in turn, affects employee recruitment and retention and increases commuting distances.
Cambridge and South Cambridgeshire have worked together to draw up aligned Local Plans, through a joint local planning service. These contain 33,500 new homes and 44,000 new jobs by 2031 while ensuring that the Greater Cambridge area remains an attractive place to work, live, study, visit and play.
The majority of the new homes will be located:
- Within and on the edge of Cambridge
- In Cambourne
- In a new village at Bourn Airfield
- In the new towns of Northstowe and north of Waterbeach village
The Local Plans are supported by the Transport Strategy for Cambridge and South Cambridgeshire (TSCSC), adopted by Cambridgeshire County Council in 2014, following consultation. This was produced in parallel with the Cambridge and South Cambridgeshire Local Plans.
The TSCSC identifies the transport schemes necessary to support continued economic growth in the Greater Cambridge area, including through improved network connectivity. This document also supports the sustainable development strategy included in the Cambridge and South Cambridgeshire Local Plans.
For more information on Local Plans, see: