
It's vital growing businesses can access a workforce with the right skills.

We’re strengthening ties between education and industry, improving employer-community collaboration and expanding apprenticeship opportunities. 

Europe’s largest technology cluster, Cambridge excels in science, research, and biotechnology. Our local economy requires STEM skills – science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. These skills open doors to numerous fields of work, driving economic growth.

We’re encouraging young people to pursue these opportunities through training and skills development.

How we're doing this

  • Creating hundreds of apprenticeships across Greater Cambridge and supporting schools in promoting the benefits of apprenticeships. 

  • Supporting employers to develop training that meets employers’ needs and supports growth.

  • Forging stronger links between businesses and the education sector.

Form the Future

With our funding, students of all ages, ranging from primary school to sixth forms and full-time education, are receiving support and opportunities from our partners at Form the Future.

The Greater Cambridge apprenticeship programme connects schools and businesses, helping students explore opportunities in the region and build essential skills.

Form the Future successfully delivered the first phase of our skills programme and the second phase is underway.