Interactive planner
People can find out how their daily journeys would be transformed by better, cheaper and more frequent buses by using a new interactive map.
The Greater Cambridge Partnership (GCP) is asking people to have their say on proposals which would create a faster, more reliable bus network with services running from 5am until 1am to more locations with cheap £1 and £2 fares.
These upgrades – which also include significant investment in walking and cycling – would be paid for upfront by the GCP and phased in over four years before the proposed introduction of a Sustainable Travel Zone with a road user charge.
To help explain the potential changes, the GCP has unveiled an interactive tool so people can see how their daily journeys would be transformed by more frequent and direct bus services in, out and around the city centre, to villages, workplaces and healthcare sites.
People can click on where they live or where they frequently travel on the interactive map, which is available on our Consult Cambs consultation page, to see how many buses would be available, the cost of a single fare and the time of the first and last bus.
Cllr Elisa Meschini, Chair of the GCP’s Executive Board, said:
“We know people are concerned about the cost of living and the anxiety caused by the recent cuts to bus services, which is why we want to introduce a London-style bus network with cheap public transport to provide fast, frequent and reliable journeys to places of work, school or healthcare.
“This would give everyone access to opportunities, cut congestion on our roads and significantly improve the quality of the air we breathe to create a nicer and safer environment for everyone.
“The interactive map is really helpful to see the sheer scale of the bus network we are proposing – which would provide a genuine alternative to travelling by car to transform the way we travel. You still have plenty of time to share your views in the public consultation before 23 December.”
The Making Connections package has been developed following extensive public consultation over many years and would result in 20,000 extra journeys made by bus. An additional 60,000 trips would be made by active travel every day to create a greener city region for all.
The scheme would also cut the number of car trips in Cambridge by 50% and reduce carbon emissions from transport by about 5%.
The City Access package is central to the GCP’s integrated transport network – providing the thread that links together the GCP’s busways, active travel schemes and plans to provide 10,000 additional Park and Ride spaces around the city region.
To use the interactive map, view the proposals and have your say visit: The ten-week consultation closes at midday on 23 December.
The GCP is holding public meetings and drop-in sessions – both in person and online – as well as attending community events, transport hubs and popular employment and leisure hubs around the region to listen to people’s views. These events can also be found on the Consult Cambs webpage.
The findings will be used to put together a detailed Business Case that would be put to the GCP’s Executive Board next year to decide whether to go ahead with the proposals and consider the timeline to implementing each part of the scheme.
Cambridgeshire County Council, the highways authority, has ultimate responsibility for any proposals around charging policies and would make the final decision.