
Update on walking and cycling improvements

Published 15 December 2023

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A raft of improvements to the region’s walking and cycling network have been discussed by the Greater Cambridge Partnership’s joint assembly this week.

Members were presented with revised designs for Hills Road and the Addenbrooke’s roundabout, which aim to enhance road safety at two busy areas of Cambridge.

The assembly also scrutinised a paper outlining the construction programme for the greenways network and detailed proposals for two of the 12 active travel routes which will connect Fulbourn and Haslingfield to the city.

Cllr Tim Bick, chairperson of the joint assembly, said:

“This week’s joint assembly allowed for members to discuss, scrutinise and understand the feedback on a range of consultations covering proposed changes along Hills Road, to Addenbrooke’s roundabout and the developing greenways network.

“As always it was important that we questioned and challenged the officers based on the feedback from the people and communities. This is the best and most effective way of creating the infrastructure which meets the need of the city’s future and to make sure we give people safe options when they travel.”

Hills Road


The assembly considered the conceptual plans for enhancing safety along the active travel links and at the junctions along Hills Road.

The proposal, which took the best parts from the two options put forward at public consultation, was discussed alongside an additional, new option for the Lensfield Road/Gonville Place junction.

This option, which was developed in response to feedback from the consultation, would remove right turns into Hills Road and left turns out of Hills Road and Regent Street to create additional footway space and to make it safer and easier for all users. The Assembly was assured that further public consultation would be carried out on this before any decision is taken.

The wider scheme would retain key sections of bus lane, create better active travel links and a cyclops junction at the Station Road and Cherry Hinton Road junction to encourage more people to walk and wheel around the city.

Addenbrooke’s roundabout

Addenbrooke's roundabout

Proposals to significantly widen cycle lanes and footpaths on both sides of the Fendon Road arm of this busy roundabout were discussed.

Under the proposals, the central island would be reduced in size to accommodate the upgraded active travel links while retaining the width of the lanes in the road for motorised vehicles, with the roundabout used at all times by the emergency services.

The design reflects the feedback at public consultation, with the re-introduction of the informal crossing point on the Fendon Road arm of the roundabout and reverting to an enhanced two stage crossing of the southern arms of the roundabout.


Greenways homepage button

Members debated detailed proposals for better walking, cycling and horse-riding links between Cambridge and the villages of Fulbourn and Haslingfield.

The routing of the Haslingfield Greenway through Grantchester is proposed to continue whilst recognising the need to ensure the character of the village is protected.

Amendments to the design of the junction of Teversham Road and Hinton Road as part of phase one of the Fulbourn Greenway were also discussed.

The executive board, our decision-making body, will consider the assembly’s discussions when it meets on 4 January 2024 to set out the next steps for the schemes.

The assembly meeting can be watched back on the GCP’s YouTube channel.