
Revised designs to improve safety at Hills Road and Addenbrooke's roundabout published

Published 29 November 2023

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Revised designs have been put forward for new schemes to significantly improve road safety and enhance walking and cycling journeys at two busy locations in Cambridge.

Responding to feedback at public consultation, the Greater Cambridge Partnership has adapted proposals to upgrade the Addenbrooke’s roundabout and to enhance journeys along Hills Road.

These are part of the GCP’s Cycling Plus programme which aims to significantly improve walking and cycling links to encourage more people to walk or wheel to work, school or to meet friends and family to cut congestion on the roads and improve air quality.

Paul Van de Bulk, GCP project manager, said:

"Thank you to everyone that took the time to tell us their views on these proposed schemes in the consultations. We learned that people supported the ambition to improve safety along these two busy areas of our city, but people also had concerns and some good ideas for enhancing the schemes. We have used the feedback to refine the designs, which the Joint Assembly and Executive Board will now consider.”

Hills Road

The GCP put forward two conceptual options at consultation to enhance junctions and active travel paths on Hills Road.

A preferred option has been developed that looks to take the best parts from both options, with improvements and enhancements based on the public’s feedback during the consultation.

A further option is being put forward for the Lensfield Road/Gonville Place junction which includes banned right turns into Hills Road and left turns out of Hills Road and Regent Street to create additional footway space to make it safer and easier for all users.

The wider scheme will retain key sections of bus lane, create better active travel links and a CYCLOPS junction at the Station Road and Cherry Hinton Road junction to encourage more people to walk and wheel around the city.

Addenbrooke’s roundabout

The Joint Assembly will also consider proposals to significantly widen cycle lanes and footpaths on both sides of the Fendon Road arm of this busy roundabout.

The central island would be reduced in size to accommodate the upgraded active travel links while retaining the width of the lanes in the road for motorised vehicles, with the roundabout regularly used at all times by the emergency services.

The design has been adjusted to address feedback at public consultation, with the re-introduction of the informal crossing point on the Fendon Road arm of the roundabout and reverting back to an enhanced two stage crossing of the southern arm of the roundabout.

The proposals have been fast-tracked by the GCP with additional funding provided by the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority (CPCA). Further upgrades to other arms of the roundabout could follow in the future.

The GCP’s Joint Assembly will meet at 1:30pm on Monday 11 December at the Guildhall.

The agenda and papers can be found on Cambridgeshire County Council's website.