Executive board
The decision-making body, responsible for ensuring the objectives of the Greater Cambridge city deal are met
The executive board is responsible for commissioning projects funded by money provided through the city deal and for overall control of that programme of investments.
The board comprises three elected members with full voting rights (one from each of the three partner councils) and two non-voting members co-opted by the executive board; one nominated by the business board, and one nominated by the University of Cambridge. Standing orders also provide for the appointment of a substitute member from each partner body. Nominations are submitted to the executive board for approval.
The executive board was formally established by Cambridge City Council, Cambridgeshire County Council and South Cambridgeshire District Council. It is a joint committee of the three councils.
Members of the public can ask questions at meetings of the executive board. Filming, recording and taking photographs at meetings open to the public is encouraged.
Forward plan
Read moreExecutive board members
- Cllr Mike Davey – Cambridge City Council
- Cllr Elisa Meschini – Cambridgeshire County Council
- Cllr Brian Milnes – South Cambridgeshire District Council
- Dr Andy Williams – Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Combined Authority Business Board
- Dr Diarmuid O’Brien – University of Cambridge
Substitute representatives:
- Cllr Dave Baigent – Cambridge City Council
- Cllr Alex Beckett – Cambridgeshire County Council
- Cllr Bridget Smith – South Cambridgeshire District Council
- Kamal Munir – University of Cambridge
- Al Kingsley – Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Combined Authority Business Board
Declarations of interest
Member conduct
Member conduct is governed by either the code of conduct set out by the nominating authority or the code of conduct set out by Cambridgeshire County Council (for members who are not nominated by a local authority). The code of conduct set by each authority includes the provisions for declarations of interest.