Executive board
The decision-making body, responsible for ensuring the objectives of the Greater Cambridge city deal are met
The executive board is responsible for commissioning projects funded by money provided through the city deal and for overall control of that programme of investments.
The board comprises three elected members with full voting rights (one from each of the three partner councils) and two non-voting members co-opted by the executive board; one nominated by the business board, and one nominated by the University of Cambridge.
Joint assembly
The assembly advises the executive board, so it benefits from a wide range of expertise
The role of the joint assembly is to advise the executive board, acting as a forum for discussion with a wider range of members and stakeholders across the Greater Cambridge area.
The joint assembly comprises three elected members from each partner council; three co-opted members nominated by the business board and three co-opted members nominated by the University of Cambridge.
Joint assembly
Read moreSenior management team
Our senior management team oversees the overall city deal programme and the management of individual projects
- Peter Blake
Interim director - Daniel Clarke
Head of innovation and technology - Niamh Matthews
Assistant director, strategy and programme - Lynne Miles
City access programme director - Tony Taylorson
Head of communications - Isobel Wade
Assistant director, inclusive and sustainable growth - Team structure
Corporate governance and freedom of information
The Greater Cambridge Partnership adheres to the corporate policies of Cambridgeshire County Council, as its accountable body
Helping people understand how we make decisions is a key part of the work we do.
- Freedom of information requests can be submitted via Cambridgeshire County Council by emailing foi@cambridgeshire.gov.uk.
- More information on freedom of information requests is available from the independent Information Commissioner's Office.
Cambridgeshire County Council feedback policy
We take all feedback, complaints, compliments, suggestions and representations seriously.
Cambridgeshire County Council information and data sharing
You can access the information we hold in writing or online in accordance with various pieces of legislation.
Cambridgeshire County Council whistleblowing procedure
Members of staff, suppliers, councillors, or members of the public can express concerns through the whistleblowing procedure.
Our decision making process is guided by an assurance framework that was agreed between government and the partner bodies when the city deal was signed.