MakingConnections22 - 1

In September 2023, our executive board took the decision to stop further development of the Making Connections proposals.

We held our biggest ever consultation on the Making Connections proposals in 2022. The revised proposals which emerged from this work were:

  • Weekday peak hour charging between 0700-1000 and 1500-1800 only
  • Fifty free days for account holders
  • Locally-owned SME discounts of 50% on HGVs and LGVs
  • Low-income discounts of 50%
  • A variety of exemptions for people who need to go to hospital by car
  • No charge for motorbikes

You can find the Making Connections outline business case, business impact assessment, consultation report and associated documents below.

Consultation proposals

Making Connections - 3
  1. Transforming the bus network
    We proposed changing the bus network from mid-2023 through more services to more locations, with cheaper fares set at £1/£2.
  2. Investing in other sustainable travel schemes
    Alongside the bus network, we proposed investing in new sustainable travel schemes, such as better walking and cycling links.
  3. Creating a Sustainable Travel Zone
    We proposed introducing of a Sustainable Travel Zone in the form of a road user charge on behalf of Cambridgeshire County Council. It would have been fully operational in 2027/28 once the first bus improvements had been introduced.

Making Connections OBC and technical appendices

Published 15 May 2024

9.6 MB

Published 15 May 2024

6.4 MB

Published 15 May 2024
Appendix G Making Connections EIA document

6.5 MB

Published 15 May 2024
Appendix K Discounts Exemptions Reimbursements

536.8 KB

Published 15 May 2024
Appendix N - Making Connections QRA

160.9 KB

Published 15 May 2024
Appendix U - Charging Boundary Update

1.6 MB

Making Connections consultation report

Published 15 May 2024

8.8 MB

Published 15 May 2024

482.9 KB

Making Connections consultation and polling data

Published 15 May 2024
MC22 raw survey data

14.0 MB

Published 15 May 2024
MC22 raw survey data key

26.6 KB

Published 15 May 2024
MC22 redacted survey response data

62.7 MB

Published 15 May 2024
MC22 polling data

283.9 KB

Published 15 May 2024
MC22 survey questions

406.5 KB

Making Connections written submissions

Published 15 May 2024
MC22 written submissions 0C

5.1 MB

Published 15 May 2024
MC22 written submissions CC

5.7 MB

Published 15 May 2024
MC22 written submissions CF

22.7 MB

Published 15 May 2024
MC22 written submissions FL

4.3 MB

Published 15 May 2024
MC22 written submissions MS

6.4 MB

Published 15 May 2024
MC22 written submissions SW

3.3 MB

Making Connections report presentation

Making Connections 2022 overview

Making Connections 2022 proposed bus network

Making Connections 2022 proposed sustainable travel zone

Consultation resources

Published 04 Jun 2024
City Centre Bus Map and Key A4 14.10.22

460.2 KB

Published 04 Jun 2024

2.7 MB

Published 04 Jun 2024
Future Bus Network 14.10.22

101.9 KB

Published 04 Jun 2024

5.4 MB

Published 15 May 2024
Making Connections map book

8.5 MB

Published 15 May 2024
DRT explained

49.5 KB

Published 15 May 2024
Making Connections presentation 07 11 22

3.1 MB

Published 15 May 2024
Making Connections survey questions

406.5 KB

Published 15 May 2024
Traffic modelling report May 2022

30.9 MB

Published 15 May 2024
Consultation FAQs autumn 2022

140.3 KB