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We've already invested over £115m in active travel, including the Chisholm Trail, the Greater Cambridge Greenways and cycling improvements as part of the cross-city cycling programme.
The GCP has an indicative budget of £20 million to spend on further improvements to the active travel network.
Consultations 2021 and 2023
Cycling Plus Hills Road consultation summer 2023
A consultation on the Cycling Plus Hills Road project took place in June/July 2023, closing at midday on 24 July.
It included two options for early designs of the route including:
- Improved crossings and junction alignments
- Prioritising cyclist and pedestrian movements and safety
- Improved bus stops
- Relocation of loading facilities for shops into the side roads
For more detail on the route and proposed improvements, you are welcome to visit our consultation page: www.greatercambridge.org.uk/cycling-plus-hills-road
Cycling Plus consultation 2021
The GCP consulted on a number of routes for possible funding as part of the Cycling Plus consultation in 2021.
At its meeting in December 2021, the GCP Executive Board agreed to note the results of the Cycling Plus consultation and to prepare preliminary designs and strategic outline business cases for:
- Active travel improvements for the A1134 North-South (Perne Road, Mowbray Road and Fendon Road), including considering how a scheme could improve provision for cyclists at the Addenbrooke’s roundabout;
- Active travel improvements for Hills Road from Hills Road Sixth Form College to the junction with Regent Street/Gonville Place/Lensfield Road.
Related documents can be found below.
Active travel opportunities
In March 2021 we published a study on active travel opportunities as part of our future investment strategy. It identified 13 cycle corridors that have a significant amount of cycle traffic within Cambridge and the Greater Cambridge area and which could benefit from improvements as part of creating a joined up active travel network. The full report is here: GCP Future Investment Strategy Active Travel Study
The £20m identified by the GCP could help to fund schemes on two or three of these corridors.