Scheme 1 – Granham’s Road junction right-turn lane

Granhams Road junction
  • New right-turn lane from A1307 into Granham’s Road has allowed queueing cars to pass traffic on the A1307 more easily
  • Previous traffic island has been removed, and the junction simplified

Scheme 2 – Extra cycle storage at Babraham Road Park and Ride

Babraham PnR cycle storage
  • Extra covered cycle parking encourages people to park and cycle into the city
  • Extra electric car charging points

Scheme 3 – Linton Greenway

The Linton Greenway

Scheme 3, the Linton Greenway, has been divided into 5 sections;

  • Sections 1 and 2 are complete and run alongside the A1307 between Addenbrooke’s and Babraham Research Campus.
    This consisted of widening of existing paths and verges to provide a path for cyclists, pedestrians and horse riders, separated from the carriageway.
  • Section 3 involves further design work on the bridge crossing the A11 and is due to start construction in 2025.
  • Section 4 has been spilt into two phases of work, with phase 1 early works between Newmarket Road and Granta Park completed in autumn 2024.
  • Section 5 of the greenway is also in progress, with sections of the active travel path between Hildersham and Linton already widened.
    The route would then continue on-road through the Abingtons to the Hildersham crossroads.

Scheme 6 – Signalised active travel crossing at Babraham Research Campus roundabout

  • New signalised crossing at the Babraham Research Campus roundabout, linking the active travel path along the A1307 to Babraham village

Scheme 7 – Babraham High Street junction and eastbound bus lane at A11

Bus Lane
  • Creation of a new bus lane along the A1307 towards Haverhill from Babraham to the A11
  • Safety improvements at Babraham High Street junction

Scheme 9 – Signalise Hildersham crossroads with Toucan/Pegasus crossing

Hildersham crossing
  • New traffic light controlled junction for pedestrians, cyclists and horse riders at the Hildersham crossroads
  • Provides links to the active travel route from the A11 to the path on the north side of the A1307 to Linton

Scheme 10 – Linton eastbound bus lane and safety improvements at Dalehead Foods junction

  • Creation of a new bus lane along the A1307 towards Haverhill on the approach to the Linton Village College junction
  • Safety improvements at the junction for the Grain Store and Dalehead Foods accesses

Scheme 11 – Linton Village College junction signal upgrade

  • Upgraded traffic lights to reduce delays

Scheme 12 – Traffic lights at Linton High Street junction

  • New traffic lights have been installed to help vehicles get out of Linton High Street onto the A1307 safely

Scheme 15 – Bartlow Road roundabout

Bartlow Road roundabout
  • Temporary widening of A1307 on the Linton (north) side to enable construction of the new roundabout while maintaining two-way traffic on the A1307
  • Creation of a new roundabout at Bartlow, which ties into the existing A1307 and Bartlow Road north and south
  • Reconfigured the Dean Road junction so that traffic travelling east from Bartlow towards Haverhill using the A1307 is now required to turn left and use the new roundabout
  • Drainage, landscaping, carriageway resurfacing, road markings and street lighting works
  • Diverted Cadent Gas, BT Openreach and Cambridge Water utility services where required

Construction of the roundabout started in May 2023 and was completed in February 2024.

Scheme 16 – Dean Road crossroads

  • The new reconfiguration prevents vehicles crossing the A1307 coming from the south (Bartlow village direction), who are now directed to the Bartlow roundabout (Scheme 15).

  • Vehicles coming from the north (Balsham direction) are still permitted to cross the A1307 to travel towards Linton.

Scheme 17 – Horseheath to Linton safety improvements

  • Average speed cameras have been installed to regulate speeds and make journeys safer

Scheme 18 – Wandlebury crossings

  • Improved active travel crossings of the A1307 in the Wandlebury area
  • Reduced the dual carriageways to single lanes, and the speed limit to 50 mph

Scheme 19 – Babraham Road Park and Ride expansion

Babraham PnR new parking spaces
  • Created an additional 152 car parking spaces at Babraham Road Park and Ride