Safer and easier travel for Melbourn, Meldreth, Shepreth, Foxton and Hauxton: better connecting people to jobs, schools, services and opportunities along the A10 with wider paths, better crossings and safer 20mph streets.

Where we are
With the new and improved path linking Meldreth Station to Station Road now firmly in use, work this year will focus on creating safer walking, running and riding routes to neighbouring Shepreth – meaning residents and commuters will have a safe way to get to where they need to go. Construction on the rest of the Melbourn greenway is expected to commence in 2026.
Other recent developments
The early works for the Foxton section of the Melbourn Greenway have been paused while we review the designs, considering local feedback.
A walking and cycling link across the A505 at Royston is in early development.
Detailed designs are being finalised for Shepreth and Foxton. FAQs for each section are available below.
How we got here
We first consulted the public on plans for the greenway in summer 2019, which saw further work on the route approved by our decision-making board in June 2020.
In autumn 2022 we promoted updated plans to the public for feedback. Leaflets were delivered to 6,000 households and businesses with an online webinar and two drop-in events anyone could attend. People could submit comments online, over the phone or via the post.
Following this in March 2023, our board agreed to progress with the route. Some changes in response to public feedback are set out in the You Said, We Did report.
Route overview
- From the A505 near Royston, it follows the A10 all the way to Cambridge via Melbourn, Foxton, Harston and Hauxton.
- Spurs to Shepreth and Meldreth provide links to these villages and their railway stations.
- At Harston an improved path will connect it to the Haslingfield Greenway.
- Crossing the M11 on the Harston-Trumpington path, the route continues into Trumpington Park and Ride alongside the Cambridgeshire guided busway path, with connections to Cambridge Biomedical Campus and Cambridge Railway Station and the city centre.
Detailed designs