Cambourne to Cambridge
Scheme reviews
The Cambourne to Cambridge route has been challenged by the previous mayor of the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority and other parties.
In response, the mayor and the GCP have commissioned reviews into the route selection for Cambourne to Cambridge.
Combined Authority reviews
The Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Combined Authority under the previous mayor James Palmer reviewed the route twice. Both reviews concluded that the process to identify the preferred route was robust.
Arup’s review from 2018 can be read here: Arup's review
Jacobs’s review from 2020 can be read here: Jacobs' review
Independent audit
In 2021 the GCP appointed an independent party to oversee an audit of the Cambourne to Cambridge scheme.
The audit confirmed there has been proper consideration of alternative options. These include various alternatives and iterations put forward by stakeholders throughout the life of the scheme since 2014.
The independent review acknowledges:
- a robust appraisal process and
- that ‘the process has included extensive consultations with stakeholders and affected parties.
- The preferred option has taken these views into account and
- proposed mitigation measures where negative impacts are identified.’
All related documents and reports are available below.