GW waterbeach

A safer route between Waterbeach, Milton and Cambridge North. 

gw wave

Linking homes, schools and businesses in Waterbeach, Milton and northern Cambridge.

Joining up to the Chisholm Trail, Milton Road, Railway stations and Park and Rides for onward journeys.

Cowley Road improvements


Works are underway to replace the existing shared use path with a separate, two-way cycle path and separate footpath. There will also be measures to slow traffic and improve safety at crossings and side-road junctions.

Once complete in late-Autumn 2024, Cowley Road (between the A14 footbridge and main junction with Milton Road) will benefit from segregated walking and cycling facilities, providing a quicker and safer route into Cambridge and the surrounding area.

Waterbeach Greenway: Cowley Road FAQs

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Where we are

A decision is yet to made on the rest of the route north of the A14 following a public consultation in autumn 2023. 

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How we got here

We expect a decision on the route consulted in Autumn 2023 to be taken by the GCP Executive Board in 2024.

The section south of the A14, including Cowley Road, was included in a 2018 public consultation and decisions taken by the GCP’s Executive Board in February 2020 and September 2022.

Route overview

Subject to public consultation and agreement from landowners, the revised 5.5km greenway alignment would start on Cambridge Road in Waterbeach before using a new, off-road path along land behind Car Dyke Road. It would then continue along a new, off-road bridleway, through fields behind the A10 as far as Ely Road, where it would then continue through Milton village. From here it would use the Jane Coston Bridge over the A14 and join upgraded paths and cycle-tracks on Cowley Road on to Cambridge North railway station and the Chisholm Trail.

Waterbeach greenway 2023 map

Background documents

Published 15 May 2024
Cowley Road detailed plans

5.0 MB

Published 15 May 2024
Waterbeach consultation brochure 2023

4.7 MB

Published 15 May 2024
Waterbeach-Greenway route

596.5 KB

Published 15 May 2024

3.3 MB

Published 16 Jul 2024
Cowley Road plans July 2024

5.2 MB